10-14 June 2024, Frankfurt am Main, Germany

ACHEMA has always been the central tradeshow event within the pharmaceutical and fine chemicals industries for Powder Systems Limited (PSL).

More than ever, PSL is looking forward to this year’s event, as we highlight innovative developments within our range, launch our new Virtual Showroom and enjoy opportunities to engage with business partners and interact with industry peers.

Take a look at what you can see on our booth and meet the PSL Team who will be there to support you.

Book a Meeting with our team and Download a Free Day Pass to ACHEMA, with our compliments.

Visit us in Hall 5.0, Stand A43

ACHEMA 2024 Graphic

What’s New in 2024?

MSR™ Microsphere Formulation

Cakestand™ Tray Dryers

The MSR™ is our flagship solution for complex polymeric injectable drugs.

We are keen to show you the latest developments to this range, launched at the 2015 event and winner of the ACHEMA Innovation Award.

MSR MicroSphere Refiner showing Vessel

Come and see our redesigned CakeStand™ vacuum tray dryer on the PSL Booth.

Our Team will explain how our new technology provides advanced features with benefits that include energy efficiency gains.

Vacuum Tray Dryer

Scalable Agitated Nutsche Filter Dryers

PSL’s New Virtual ShowRoom

Learn more about our renowned, robust range of Agitated Nutsche Filter Dryers.

Our GFD®Lab PLUS model will be on our booth. Find out how this R&D solution is designed to scale up to Pilot and Commercial size ANFDs.

Agitated Nutsche Filter Dryer with Glass Vessel - GFDLab Plus 050 Range

We are excited to launch the new PSL Virtual ShowRoom at ACHEMA 2024.

Explore PSL’s Process Solutions and Equipment in a 3D environment. Navigate our range to identify the best equipment to fit your needs.

More details coming soon!


Meet Our Team

ACHEMA is a unique show for our business as it attracts visitors from across the world, giving us the opportunity to meet key industry partners, existing or new. PSL has always been proud to be amongst much larger organisations and groups in our industry, particularly during our award-winning year for innovation in 2015.

Amanda Gowans, CEO

An event like ACHEMA is a must-show for our business to proudly showcase our R&D efforts and the development of our Process Equipment. From an Engineering perspective it’s also a great opportunity to meet industry-peers and exchange ideas on what the next generation of process solutions should look like.

Christian Parker – Engineering Director

Sylvain Querol

The weeks leading up to ACHEMA are always busy, filled with the excitement and anticipation of showcasing PSL to a global audience. This includes creating new encounters at the event and it’s a great occasion to discuss commercial product/drug successes with our existing users and gain invaluable insight into where the market is headed in the future.

Sylvain Querol, Head of Business Development

Matthew Nuttall

Operations Manager

John Joseph

John Joseph

Business Development Executive

Anita Houghton

Senior Marketing Executive

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